Pet Insurance

You may be surprised to hear that you are more likely to claim on your pet insurance than your car or household policies (Allianz Insurance plc). In fact, in our experience if you don’t need to claim on your pet insurance you really are very lucky indeed!  

It’s important to be aware that not all pet insurance is the same. Some policies limit the amount of time or money that you can claim for so don’t just shop around on price alone. 

At Aspen Veterinary Surgery we can introduce you to Petplan insurance, by offering an introductory offer of 4 week free insurance, valid for puppies and kitten between 6 weeks and 18months.  

We recommend you find out the following before making your insurance choice: 

  • Does the policy cover your pet for life? covering your pet for life guarantee's your veterinary fees cover is renewed each year no matter how often you claim (providing you renew your policy each year with no break in cover). 
  • Will the insurance premium change over time? good isurers wont up your premium or excess just because you make a claim.
  • Are they a pet insurance specialist? pet insurance specialist understand pets and work closely with vets, charities and breeders.
  • How quickly do they process their claims?  Although this can vary in some instances, good insurers will pay you back quicker then others! 

Click here to find out more about the different types of pet insurance available.

Why not try the introductory offer with Petplan for 4 weeks’ free Petplan insurance simply click here.

Petplan is a trading name of Pet Plan Limited and Allianz Insurance plc. Aspen Veterinary Surgery is an Appointed Representative of Pet Plan Limited and is not part of the Allianz (UK) Group.